Take Control of Search on Your Website.

The Pureinsights Search Relevance Dashboard is a fully supported cloud application for analyzing and tuning website search relevance results. The goal is to help give customers the search experience they want so they will buy more product, consume more content, and come back to your website for more.


Deep Search Analytics for Relevance Tuning and Insights

Analyze system-wide search metrics, or by segment such as category, region or product. Discover patterns, behavior and relationships to support relevance tuning. Extract insights from live search data for timely tuning adjustments. 


Measure Improvement Objectively with our Search Engine Score

Objectively measure search relevance with a real-time ‘score’, allowing you to compare versions, configurations and even different search engines before making production changes.

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Use Any Search Engine, on Any Cloud, Worry Free.

Search engine independent, the Search Relevance Dashboard works with both commercial and open-source engines. Exploits the ease, flexibility and resilience of cloud computing.  And we can manage the dashboard for you!

Schedule a Demo

Fill out this form for more information or to request a Demo. Mention Digital Commerce 360 and get one month of the service for free.